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Department of History

General Introduction

The founding of the Department of History could be traced back to the 1980s when the Institute of Chinese Classics was established. Although there were several historians among the faculty of the Institute, the faculty was still not strong enough for creating an independent department. In 2002, the Faculty of Philosophy and History was established, and history-related instructors in our university were summoned to offer public courses for undergraduates. Ultimately in 2008 the History Department was formally created and began our History Major in 2010. Since 2014, our team has gradually expanded. Currently we have 11 full-time instructors, including a full professor, an associate professor, and nine assistant professors and lecturers.

The History Department offers courses in basic theories of history, history of historiography, Chinese history, and world history. In the field of Chinese history, the Department offers courses on different periods and topics in Chinese history. In the field of world history, the Department offers courses covering Inner Asian, European and American history. The History Department offers an introduction to the skills of historical research and writing. We also offer students the opportunity to truly explore their interests, developing their spirit of innovation.

The faculty of the History Department has already conducted five research projects supported by the National Social Science Fund of China and several projects supported by provincial and ministerial funds. Not only engaged in academic activities, but the History Department also engaged in the field of public history, promoting historical knowledge in Shenzhen and hosting public lectures for local communities of Shenzhen City.

Adress:1 / F, Huiwen Building, Shenzhen University